2009年10月9日 星期五

10/8 英文例句

    現在完成式  have/ has + pp

    1.How long have you lived in Taipei? 你住在台北多久?

    I have lived in Taipei for 3 years. 我住在臺北有3年.

    I have lived in Taipei since 2006. 我自從2006年就住在臺北.

    2. How long have you been a policeman? 你當警察有多久時間?

    I have been a policeman for 1 year. 我做警察有1年了.

    I have been a policeman since 2008. 我從2008年開始當警察.

    3. How long have you driven the red Honda? 你開這台紅色的 Honed 多久?

    I have driven the red Honda for 3 years. 我開這台紅色的 Honed 有3年.

    I have driven the red Honda since 2006. 我自從2006年就開這台紅色的 Honed.

